Thursday, January 25, 2007

We have been going through food rather quickly lately. seems the like it is eaten while we are unpacking the grocery bags. Max will actually get up from the dinner table and start making more food. I think you can image that this can be both funny and stressful. (Reminds me a lot of the comic strip Zits. I would post a strip but I do not have the time now to look for one.) Though I measured the boys 2 weeks ago I decided to recheck last night and Max has grown an inch and Aidan, Ari and g a half an inch each!!! Makes me exhausted just thinking about it. maybe that's why I spend a good amount of time last night perusing around the web.

I don't' usually marvel over the cover art of Barron's. Can't even say I have ever read the magazine but I do like this cover a lot. I think it is quite a clever way to illustrate the visual effects on wealth/poverty.

1 comment:

Karinina said...

rich/poor reminds me of how I look before and after I get ready to go out.

I have a poor day-time look going on.