Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Today G and I are home with colds. Please feel very bad for us.  we did get to watch the Princess Diaries. he was a bit hesitant since it looked like a movie that ends with kissing. he enjoyed despite seeing kissing in one of the first scenes. yuck.  kissing is way to pass on cold. just an fyi.

I am too thick headed to do the work I scheduled in for this morning. planning my class and attempting to understand the more boring and technical aspects to digital photography. boring but good to know. i miss film. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


i know you need a reason so waste time...

you do not have to sign in...just go to "my files" to choose a photo.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Karin is amazing

Karin just accepted the position of director of Public Art for the city of Boston. 

I am so excited/proud!

(Not sure if that is the correct title)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

seriously folks

Max's school has installed a security systems. Now, as you enter the building there are big signs that state "This property is being monitored by Siemens"

 seriously... I am 40 years old and I burst out laughing. did they really not think of this when they posted  the signs?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

did you hear Obama's speech today? if not....

Monday, March 17, 2008

a thought

my mom and I were talking today about happiness and misery. How happiness is often not recognized except in retrospect and misery/unhappiness is apparent instantaneously. 

I do know that certain aspects of happiness I catch immediately. for example... tonight at the Y I was in the weight room and I saw Max on the treadmill and had a rush to joy seeing my baby moving so fluidly along ( yes... I realize that the "treadmill" holds a whole other meaning all together... "go baby go... just do not stray very far").  or the other day at fast little Aidan's track meet... G, Aaron and I were playing the line game and I saw how far Aaron's drawings have progressed and the ease in which he does so.  those were immediate moments of joy. The big picture of an idyllic time is often lost in the day to day. Unhappiness, boredom, apathy I am all over that.  

anyway.. that is my thought of the day. 

Sunday, March 16, 2008


I was able to get a current photo of Aidan.  Doesn't he look GREAT without glasses!
 think of hot humid nights... stifling days....mosquitoes... smelly streets... sunburns...stickiness... black flies....people in skimpy clothing (who should not dare to wear them)...weekend turnpike traffic...throngs of tourist looking for lobster... sand in your toes... sand in your bathing suit...


Saturday, March 15, 2008

good morning! it is snowing here... so very excited about that. I just LOVE snow. I am not sick of it all. I hope it snows enough that I have to shovel my car out. that would sure be a treat!

I do not believe I have announced the 2 new additions to our family; Bobo and Trigger. Gerbils that Aidan's class bred for science (they were studying genetics, not sex ed) and were then raised by the kids. He had proven to be the devoted father we always thought he would be. He has worked and saved his money to buy them all two little gerbils would want. seriously they live in a 3 story luxury suite that is constantly being renovated by Aidan and his brothers and friends. 
I will post photo's soon. promise. Speaking of Aidan, did I mention that he has contacts now? and Max's braces are off? G lost his front teeth? 

in other news... My friend who I have been working on stock photography with/for is truly brilliant.  though we are not done with the entire editing process 2 agencies have already expressed an interest. the whole process takes a while but knowing all this work will ultimately be profitable feels great. 

hmm... what else. the parent company of the restaurant next to the bookstore went bankrupt. poor people. they were really doing a good job. I believe one of the employees is going to take it over. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

okay... i will try to be more diligent in keeping up this blog. here's my issue... I am been so busy. i know, i know.... you are too. here i go...

Yesterday was Max's 15th birthday. He shadowed at a local high school (he is now more confused about which is the best fit), had a mellow afternoon then had a friend over for strawberry pancakes, fruit & watched The Darjeeling Limited. simple, nice, sweet.

oh... Aidan is now wearing contacts. happy day. that's new.

a boring entry. sorry but I must run. will try to be more entertaining later.
since we are on the subject of Boring... it's snowing again. i am bored with it. wouldn't you think that the snow would be bored with us?

Sunday, March 09, 2008

i've been told that my blog is boring.