Saturday, January 27, 2007

heaven is

lying in my big warm bed with all of my boys on one of the coldest nights of the year watching a show on meercats and then treasures of the Smithsonian. Max got bored and ended up talking on the on the phone and playing bass. but it was heavenly. I am loving that Aaron seems as interested in certain aspects of history as I am. would be fun to go down to Washington and visit the museums.

Worked with the kids and photography yesterday. Seemed to go well, I know the teachers and many of the students were pleased. I was feeling too much was made about he actual images rather than the effects of lighting, composition and such. Also, I purposely brought in images that didn't work and I don't' think the kids understood that. I wanted them to pick them apart. discuss why they didn't' work. I am thinking that some were hesitant to do that feeling I would be insulted. here are some of the faulty images I brought in:

boring fact of the day:

even though we take out shoes off upon entering the house there is still a grainy feeling on the floors. not loving that. reminds me of when I lived by a beach. no escape from the sand. I should be taking care of that now...or making blackberry muffins...instead I find myself talking to an unknown audience.


Anonymous said...

blackberry muffins...yum. i cleaned small corner of my kitchen and am now rewarding myself by tooling around blogs...

Michael said...

good for you (re: cleaning). I have accomplished much today. I need to remember to talk to you about a book/baxter school thing. If I forget, remind me.

Karinina said...

so, why don't those photos work.


a known audience member

Michael said...

lot's of reasons. I guess it would make sense to send you the images I brought in that I thought Did work.

I will send you these but for now:

photo 1:

there is to much going on, no where for the eye to follow and just basicaly boring. Also, this is a well taken image but good metering does not = good image

photo 2:

I call this a drive by photo. "oh look... street child in South America sitting under US corportate giant holding an upside down pepsi cup" While there is a huge political statement it lacks the humanity that would make is a really good image. the lines (girl just under the mcdonalds sign) give it a very flat look.

image 3:

no focal point.. to way to follow the scene. just backs and buildings. you can sense there shoudl be movement but no one is moving. Again, comes across as a drive by image

Liz Woodbury said...

just a comment to remind you that i, too, am part of your known audience! i LOVE your blog!

Michael said...

thanks! right back at ya.