Tuesday, January 30, 2007


can you hear the cries of parents across this nation.


Anonymous said...

ok - crap like that just makes me more cynical and i'm not sure if i can get any more cynical. it's really not healthy :(

Michael said...

i know... I think we should request that she cuts off her braid and trade her berkenstocks for... hmmm I dont' know what.

At least we have Amy's (fingers crossed).

Liz Woodbury said...

you know, though, i really do believe that artificial colors are pretty much evil...it's worth it to me for the absence of the yellows #5 and 6. although it's true that you get hooked on "convenience" that's not necessarily all that convenient (i've been making my own pizza dough lately, and you know what? it takes me like maybe 10 minutes).

let's find out who this "amy" is, exactly.

Michael said...

yes. i can totally see a wild eyed group of Maine moms tracking this woman down. first we'll get Annie's braid though.

10 min. pizza dough?! care to share your recipe?

I hate the whole image/lying thing. That's what pisses me off. it's manipulative and naughty.

Liz Woodbury said...

do you have a food processor or a kitchenaid-type mixer? it's so easy to do it quickly with either of those (or your bread machine!).

Michael said...

I do. I have a food processer. My bread machine broke. That was how I made pizza dough before and it took 40 min.

Liz Woodbury said...

the recipe i used last time had you mix all the dry ingredients in the food processor, proof the yeast in warm water for 5 mins, then drizzle in the yeast mixure and olive oil through the feed tube. the machine does a little of the actual kneading for you, rolling the ball of dough around, and then you just knead it up a bit, put it in a bowl to rise for an hour, and that's it. so, yeah, longer than 10 minutes, but the actual work part is about 10 minutes. one recipe said if you're in a hurry, you can even bake it before it's risen (other recipes have two rising times, like bread). i'm working my way through a bunch of recipes to find my favorite.

Michael said...

okay. thanks, I 'll try it.

I miss my bread machine.