Thursday, January 25, 2007

poor Aidan part 2

Aidan's saga continues. Chris took him to his yearly physical this morning. They noticed that his spine looks "off". much like scoliosis. His doctor does not think that it is scoliosis but has developed as a result of the chest contusion (if you dont' remember read here) he had a few weeks ago. We are going to take him to a chiropractor. Swimming should help too. Good thing I joined the Y.

Yesterday the boys and best buddy K were playing in our backyard. The ball went over the fence and rather then go all the way around Aidan decided to climb over. well... the bottom of his snow pants became stuck on the spiky part of the fence. so, Aidan found himself hanging upside down on the other side of the fence. Luckily K was quick to act and while Aaron ran in to get me he attempted free Aidan on our side of fence. Once I made it out back K ran around and held Aidan up so he could free his leg. By the time I got there (more about me working out later)all I had to do was help with the final inch of fabric. Aidan was crying and laughing so hard. his ankle hurt and it was scary but it was also hysterically funny.

how are Max, Aaron and G?? they are doing very well. happy to report that they have not ran into pole or been stuck hanging upside down.


Karinina said...

who is K?

Karinina said...

You know you really could be a cartoon strip.

Michael said...


That has come up before. would be pretty damn funny.