Sunday, December 24, 2006

Twas the night before Christmas

I am SO excited. Ari and G are fast asleep (dreaming of sugarplums?), Aidan and Max are still awake but trying hard to fall asleep.

I feel like I am five. Can't wait for the morning. Can't wait to see the boys open their gifts.

Hope I can fall asleep!

Friday, December 22, 2006

forgot about the gingerbread house

well.... long story short. We ended up with some lovely and yummy decorated gingerbread cookies, a kitchen covered in flour, a broken mixer, 4 boys whose mother sent them from the kitchen to watch tv so they wouldn't hear her swearing like a sailor and learned that not all gingerbread recipes are equal.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

da tree

seems i am a week late in most postings. we decorated the tree last week. all of our lights were out so I ran to the store and bought some news ones. the boys thought we shoudl try multi color this year. (okay...that was a lie. I just out and out lied to you. there was only one strand out in the box and it was out. Chris later found the smaller box with all the lights. this is what happens when you a/ take down your lights a few months after the holidays b/ are just gernerally unorganized)

anyway... G was a bit excited

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Saturday, December 16, 2006

the brighter side

last weekend we got our tree. this year we cut down our own rather than buy one from a lot. I always thought it sounded like a nightmare but it was actually fun. maybe because G is older. We decorated it last night..was a shockingly sane event. Today we are making a gingerbread house. from scratch... i'll post a photo of the finished product... if the boys dont' eat all the candy first. wish us luck.

Notice the prices on the sign.... this antique dates back to 1965. sigh....

Gabriel's heavy load

finally we found the perfect tree

Upon our arrival Chris found his ideal Charlie Brown Tree.

Friday, December 15, 2006

'tis the season

to be sad it seems. or so I thought. While I am feeling very happy and excited about the upcoming holiday's I haven't' been able to shake this deep feeling of sadness. I have been thinking about this for a while. If all is well, why am I sad? then last night as I was reading before I fell asleep, it hit me. I am reading and listening to, two of the saddest books. In the car I am listening to The Woman Who Walked into Walls by Roddy Doyle. then reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Two great books but terrifically sad. what hit me was the last line I read before I closed the book.
(in case you haven't read it, this book is narrated by death and takes place in pre and during WWII Germany, here death is talking about fighting in a war)
" I've seen so many young men
over the years who think they're
running at other young men.
They are not.
They are running at me. "
case closed

Thursday, December 14, 2006

the good, the good and the bad

the bad
yesterday at recess Aidan ran into a pole, hard, and fell back onto the pavement. I am not quite sure if he blacked out but he said when he opened his eyes the boy who was chasing him looked white with fear. He started having breathing problems and head pain after that. Did he tell his teacher and go to the nurse? no. but after school (and this is after he played a game of football) he shared this with me. we went right to his doctor and found out that he has suffered a "chest contusion". luckily he did not get a concussion also. I have tried googling it a bit but have read some scary stories so I am going to stop. he is on anti-inflammatory medicine and a muscle relaxer (which is making him loopy as hell).

the good

Aaron's class had their Shakespeare presentations last night. Was so impressive. Aaron's seems so happy !!

more good

Max and Chris went to Portland Highs open house. They loved it. Max said he feels at home there and has all these ideas of what classes he wants to take . He plans on talking to his math teacher today about how insure that he is on the right track. my one complaint is of course.. photography is not offered as an option for art class.

Monday, December 11, 2006

looky what Aaron and G brought home from school today

not sure what to say about The Dead Dog Face but I sure am happy Aaron's favorite is smirnoff's and not night train.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

If I were a dog I would have bit her...

The boys, Henry and I took a nice long walk around town this afternoon. Our last stop was the library, the only place Henry was unable to go inside. We were inside for 10 min, as I brought the books to be checked out the boys ran down to be with Henry. well... some %&$# busy body complained that Henry was left out for so long and the librarians were in a tizzy looking for the horrible people that left there dog (with HUGE fur coat) outside. I calmly explained that the poor abused creature was mine, we were here for 10 min. This did not change their attitude. I asked what do people normally do when they have their dog with them and she curtly replied that most people do not bring their dogs when they need to go to the library. i know I am rambling and most likely not making too much sense but I am so damn mad. I know if Henry could speak he would tell that snarky woman that a 10 min wait outside was worth all the fun he had. much better than staying home alone. GRRRR....

on the counter there is a sign staying that we and Books ect are donating 20% to the library. i'd like to give them 20% of Henry's poop instead.

Friday, December 08, 2006

taking a break

i have been editing ALL DAY LONG. I am tired, but need to get it done today.

Here's a photo of Glenn... Leslie and the kids are up there to the left.

we ended up getting to Augusta a bit on the late side but Glenn was able to get us in (much to the dismay of those waiting by the doors). was happy that I was able to grab some photos.
it's cold today. not happy about that. why do I live here??

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

spaghetti boy

This weekend I shot Max's friend Jesse's bar mitzva. caught this photo of Max dancing. ha ha...i laugh every time I look at it.

it turned out to be a great job and party. i thought it would be strange to take photos of Max's friends but it turned out to be fun. They pretty much ignored me and I was just free to shoot. Plus Jesse is one of the nicest boys (or should I say men) i know.

I was able to hire an assistant and really lucked out there too. She and I are seriously thinking about doing more of this. Something I thought I would NEVER say but we worked really worked well together. pkus she is very nice. i like nice people.

The boys are all doing well. Chris is at work a lot and I am doing the seasonal bean job again. not tons of fun but money is good and I like the people I work with. one woman worked for governor king so there's lot's of good political stories. oh... Glenn is being sworn in tomorrow.

oh...i do have a photo in the photo a gogo auction. here's the link.

all in all things are pretty quite...not getting kicked out of clubs or anything.

Monday, November 27, 2006

aka "The Canopener"

Now I dont want to impy that my boy is strange but... some recent behavior from Gabriel does have us thinking about putting a certain kind of specialist on speed dial. Just yesterday, in the car, out of the blue he asks "what if I were born a can opener?". hmmm.... I dont' know G...what if?

Here he is wearing 33 pairs of underwear. of course once he started the boys had to jump in to help. Christmas card?

Saturday, November 25, 2006


I am in love with Zachary!!

sort of sad that with 21 people in my house 95% of the photos I took were of him.

sorry everyone else. I do love you and find you very cute.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Thought I show you what what actually on the plates in those days. This was put together by a historically anal crewso it's as accurate as one can get.

btw...Lisa's movie was the highest viewed show on THC this year!!!

getting ready for the masses. Wish my Dad was coming. the boys just cleaned up the yard and are now playing a video game (as much as I find them annoying I am grateful for their hypnotic appeal).

Had their conferences on Monday. very very positive. such good little boys :)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

tonight 8pm

As if you dont' already know... Gabriel is wearing a blue jacket and can be seen mostly in the 2nd and 3rd hour. (a lot at hte end). about 9 times.

check out the message board at the history channel. some guy has accused the history channel of promoting an unchristian film.

while it may seem I have done nothing these past few weeks (days? they are all running together) but obsess about this movie. not true. we have been very busy bowes. working way too many hours, b'ball games, getting ready for Thanksgiving ( i made curtains for the dining room), the photo auction, Jesse's shoot and just life have kept mme/us away from the computer.
I think the boys are tired of running. i know I am .

Friday, November 17, 2006


I was going to post some more reviews. frankly, there are just too many.

The NYT did not use one of my photo's. A big ad for Comic Relieg used up much of the page so they couldnt' fit it in (damn do-gooder comics). it's okay though... I am getting lot's of exposure and The Bosotn Globe, LA Times and Washington Post should have some. Guess they are going to use one of my images on the cover of the WA Post's tv guide. If anyone can get a copy of one of the papers can you send it to me. Can't find them round here. oh... taht stand in Harvard Square. Forget the name. been in Maine too long.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

zoe > the smiths

I love the Smiths and usually avoid covers of their songs. Until now. I think I may like Zoë's version as much as the original.


Saturday, November 11, 2006

in case you didnt' see karin's comment on the election. go here.

thought it was a great comment.

Some early reviews

they spelled Lisa's name wrong. least I got credit for my photos

who the hell is Electic artists?!

start looking in the paper and around the city for ads. I know that there will be a 4 page spread in the boston globe on the 19th. I bet they will use the photoshoped ship/eyes images for a lot of larger promo's. When you see something will you grab it for me?

Friday, November 10, 2006

I saw Jack White on Congress Street yesterday. He new band was opening for Bob Dylan. I usually dont' recognize people, someone has to tell me afterwards.

Happy Birthday to me & Chris

woo hoo!!!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

life is good

I am still reeling from election. I think what has struck me most is that the process works. what very doubtful of that. Also, I am relieved that our fellow citizens are not as blind as it seemed.

it is gorgeous out today. feels like spring.

if you are in portland, check this out. it is amazing. I need to go back.. i couldnt' make it all the way through the show... too emotional. Not sure if I should take the boys. some of the crimes these people were accused of are pretty horrible.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Hey Jill

coudln't find an update photo of all the boys together. Here is Max, Aidan and G. Aaron is below.

pretty cool


yesterday Aidan and G had their final games. Chris took Aidan to his and Aaron and I went with G. Aidan had a great time then hung out with his friend Justin afterwards. Aaron and I played in the team vs. parents (ari played with the team) game. The kids fairly beat us 6-2. Ari and G both played very well. I didnt'. for the first half of the game my game was embarrassing! I can blame much of it on my sore back but this is really no excuse. I did redeem myself and score one of our 2 goals. Today... I am so sore.

Looks like Thanksgiving is going to be HUGE this year. 21 people. should be crazy but fun.

Friday, November 03, 2006

The Birthday Boy

In one hand he has the tin foil scorpion. He is amazed by it. In the other, his Nintnedo DS. He is a very happy boy.

The face of God

The day after Halloween Aaron and G brought me into their room to show me this creation. Aaron said it was The Face of God.

Happy Birthday Aaron

Aaron is 9. This is just wrong.

This is the real Aaron. He is 6 years old. so cute that it is impossible to be near him and not kiss and hug him. he needs to be near his mom and dad at all times. racooni is his best friend.
if you took your favorite teddy bear and wished him into a real boy, you would end up with Aaron.

most of this is still true. he is now able to go without us for a while (not too long) and not sure if Racooni is still his best friend.


He had a great b'day morning.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I have no Halloween photos to share. Sorry. Max went out with his friends as power rangers. Very silly looking but they had a great time. Aidan was a mummy, Aaron a phantom footballer and G a vampire. We did not put the usual large amount of time into the costumes this year (due to not having a large amount of time free) but they looked great and had one of the best Halloweens ever.

Chris took the boys out with neighbor Steve & sons in our neighborhood. Not sure why we ever went anywhere else. It definitely re-enforced our love for Portland.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

one of our best customers...

by the way... this is not the artist Thomas Connolly, Kyle's Dad. but he is the same man who broke the Bush drunk driving story a few years back.

SOUTH PORTLAND — Thomas J. Connolly, of Scarborough, a prominent defense attorney and 1998 Democratic candidate for governor was charged with criminal threatening this morning after an incident beside Interstate 295.
South Portland police were notified around 9 a.m. that a man wearing a rubber Osama bin Laden mask was standing on top of a berm along the highway carrying a sign that said “I Love Tabor,” and waving what appeared to be an assault rifle.
Four South Portland officers and two state troopers converged on the man. They drew their guns when he did not respond to their demand that he drop his weapon.
Police said instead he walked toward them dropping plastic hand grenades. His costume included fake dynamite and bandoliers, police said.
He eventually did drop the rifle, which turned out to be a toy and was arrested, at which time the man was identified as Connolly. He was taken to the Cumberland County Jail.
"The whole thing is just incredibly bizarre," said South Portland Police Chief Ed Googins. "It just crossed the line."
Connolly met with reporters briefly after posting bail to secure his release. Criminal threatening is a misdemeanor.
"There was a First Amendment this morning when I woke up. I don't know how it evaporated with the dawn," he said.
Connolly, a Portland attorney, has been known for wearing costumes to make political statements, typically donning a George W. Bush mask and dancing herky-jerky style for passing motorists. His wife has described him as "marvelously eccentric."
But he took it too far with the terrorist outfit, Googins said.
Connolly was carrying a sign that said "I love TABOR," a reference to the Taxpayer Bill of Rights on the ballot a week from today. But at least one of the people who saw it thought it said "I love the Taliban," Googins said.
Officers who arrived on the location of a future ramp at the Westbrook Street exit didn't know what they were dealing with. "There's no way of telling from a distance whether the gun is real or a fake," Googins said.
Police want to make sure charges are pressed. "For someone to think this is an innocent prank, this is not the case," he said.
Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.

Monday, October 30, 2006

I am not going to post any more of Aaron's b'day gift idea. The boy is going wild. I think it now has 49 "ideas". silly little scorpion!
His b'day party is now on November 10th. So much happening on the 5th. I haven't figured otu the family party yet. if you plan on coming up let me know when and maybe i will plan around that.

it's all so crazy 'round here.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Aaron strikes again

this is always such an interesting time around out house

-Italian money
-paranah panic
- money (us)
- printing ink and paper
- raider gun (for speed)
- Nintendo DS carrier
- video now
- bionical hero's
- Happy feet (the game)
- edible paper and pen -pokemon cards ex
- magnetix ultimate magna case

Friday, October 27, 2006

Thursday, October 26, 2006

a short list of things to be grateful for

- autumn leaves
- boys who get so excited for their birthdays that they get butterflies in their bellies.
- the end of outdoor sport season
- good friends
- hot soups
- husbands who clean basements and pick up dead things
- good books
- dumb movies
- sweaters
- Band-Aids
- chocolate
- famlies who come to Maine for Thanksgiving

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Aaron's list

he has added a few more gift ideas:

football gloves
edible paper
4th and 5th grade work books. he is bored @ school.

my no good, very bad, horrible, rotten day

The book I did the cover for came in. Was SO very excited. (It's a great book, I do suggest you pick it up) Went to go find my name...not there. I did not get cover photo credit. when I contacted the publisher they apologized & have already fixed the error on the second and paper back editions.

this is just so bad. i am completely invisible. my work is currently in the Smithonian... who would know? no one.... cover of a book.. who would know... no one. What if another publisher likes the cover and cannot not contact me? what if they think it is public domain and uses it?? uggg

my high point was when Julia S.F. came in and told me that she has recieved many compliments on her author photo (and yes, i did get proper credit for that). Lisa also said the press kit came in for Mayflower and that looks good. Chris and I watch a stupid stupid movie (40 year old virgin) and that got my mind off this for a few hours. it out.. maybe today will be brighter.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Aaron's b'day list

In usually Aaron style... why not reach for the sky.

- healeys
- a watch (digital with an easy to change battery)
- Nintendo Ds ( If he were to get this...his loving parents are)
- games for nintendo ds like this one
and this one or this one.
- $ for clothes (he wants to pick out his own)
- a camera (I think that this is a Santa request)
- baseball cards
- wood working stuff
- oragami paper

Saturday, October 21, 2006

It's a boy!!!

His name is Zachary Matao, he was born @ 6lbs 5 oz. he is healthy and beautiful.

Here is a photo of his little hand holding onto Joelle's. He is about 10 mins old here. as soon as he was born he turned towards the sound of George's voice. Sammy has already mastered his name. I know he is going to be an amazing big brother.

They are all doing great.

I have realized (again) that I am no longer 25 and can not exist on 2.5 hours sleep.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Joelle is in labor!!!!

We're off to Cambridge.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

yay Jeffery

yay Jeffery won. as much as I didn't really like him I thought it was incredibly talented. my mom was here and we watched, drank wine and then Chris surprised us with a delicious treat with edamame, potstickers and odd but yummy mix of veggies.

I kept G home yesterday since Ethan was here and they had a really sweet afternoon...I bought them each a peacock plume @ the farmers market, they picked out gourds then they played on the shores of the Atlantic ocean.

sort of freaked out by images in the hausfrau. happy that people "get" them but it is really strange to see ME, not just something by me. it's very personal.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I hate mice

we have mice. found some dropping the other night. since are now quite experienced with this we immediately jumped into our annual anti mice roles.

what I fear the most is not the scurrying little rodents but finding dead mice. I am reading She Got off the Couch by Haven Kimmel and there is a scene where her cat deposits 27, yes 27 dead mice on her bed while she is sleeping. so....before I go to bed I check my bed completely...fitted sheet, flat sheet, comforter, the floor and then make sure the door is closed tight. then of course I worry about Mica figuring out how to open door. this is not fun.

in the past 2 days Mica has left 6 dead mice and 1 dead bird on our porch.

I am traumatized.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

16 years

seems impossible that we have been married for 16 years. I know it seems so silly to say but I dont' feel much older than 16. What to do? There is no traditional gift for the 16th year but the modern gift is silver hollowware. Ha ha... holloware. as a gift the boys raked up the leaves in the yard. that works for me.

Now for the really big new..... drum roll please......

Gabriel lost his first tooth!!!!!! I am a bit sad of course since it means my baby is growing up. He looks SO cute though, I know no saddness when I look at him.

Brushing his teeth is much easier without the loose tooth in his mouth


Monday, October 09, 2006

yes.... this is a solicitation

Aidan and Aaron football league is having a raffle. the tickets are $10 per or 3 for $20, the prize is a plasma TV. let me know if you wish to buy one.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Luckily, The weather was nice today. We were out at sporting events from 9am until 6pm. We did come home for 45 min to eat lunch before we were off to G's soccer game. Very exciting day... We are all now very tired. well, all excpet Max who is sleeping at a friends and did not go to any game but played bass and ate brownies all day.

Aaron showing off some of his "skill"

Gabriel... well, I am not sure what he is doing.

Aidan was giving trying to give this boy a hug. I think he liked his red pants.

Aaron and G in moment of sweetness

Friday, October 06, 2006

tonight for dinner: red wine, chocolate and pot

why? because it's good for you...

WASHINGTON, (Reuters) -- Good news for aging hippies: Smoking pot may stave off Alzheimer's disease.
New research shows that the active ingredient in marijuana may prevent the progression of the disease by preserving levels of an important neurotransmitter that allows the brain to function.
Researchers at the Scripps Research Institute in California found that marijuana's active ingredient, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, can prevent the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from breaking down more effectively than commercially marketed drugs.
THC is also more effective at blocking clumps of protein that can inhibit memory and cognition in Alzheimer's patients, the researchers reported in the journal Molecular Pharmaceutics.
The researchers said their discovery could lead to more effective drug treatment for Alzheimer's, the leading cause of dementia among the elderly.
Those afflicted with Alzheimer's suffer from memory loss, impaired decision-making, and diminished language and movement skills. The ultimate cause of the disease is unknown, though it is believed to be hereditary.
Marijuana is used to relieve glaucoma and can help reduce side effects from cancer and AIDS treatment.
Possessing marijuana for recreational use is illegal in many parts of the world, including the United States, though some states allow possession for medical purposes.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Hell is...

coming home from a lovely morning of perusing the library & farmers market to a message on your answering machine that your second son is not in school today. You sent him off to school this morning on the little yellow bus. Why wouldn't he be in school? what could have happened in the time between 8:05 am and 11am? you think of EVERYTHING that could of happened in the moments it takes the receptionist at their school to double check and inform you that he is in class.

Happy Birthday Karin!!!

Monday, October 02, 2006

am slowing editing photos. Here are a few

cute boys

cute family

more cute people

the whole cute gang of boys

We had a reading @ Portland Stage tonight. The usual cast of actors (whom I love) and a few area writers. one thing that John M. and Monica W. said really stuck in my mind.
A audience member asked if they read their own work out loud. They all answered that they did and why then John said that is bothers him knowing many readers read faster in their head then when out loud, that they do not fully pronounce the words in their heads. Therefore missing much of what is written. Monica then added that she find it unsettling when people tell her that they read her book very fast, racing through (because they loved it). She commented that it took her 4 years to write and she wished people would slow down and really read it.

I found this very interesting. I often race through books, I am a fast reader and if I love a book I just cannot stop, I'll read while cooking, walking, until my eyes close. Sometimes I do read again or get it on book on tape/cd, maybe not enough.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Was great having Papa here this weekend. He was able to see all the boys games. then got to spend some quality time while Chris and I were at the wedding and then went out later that night. Aidan and Aaron both has good games and Gabriel scored his first goal.

The wedding was great! I think we may have made a spectacle of ourselves though.. It was getting cold. Chris, Lisa J.C. and I were eating and having a lovely discussion. Chris went over to take a rest in the grass when he saw the ferry coming towards the island. While we were having a great time, we knew that the next departure would not be for another hour and half. So.... he ran back with the news, the three of us left our food and ran towards the ferry... across the lawn...through peoples yards (to the surprise of one poor man) and were able to board the ferry home (laughing the whole way). I hope that Darling C.C. and sweet Lew were not looking in our direction at that time.
Later we went to local 188 for tapas (yum yum yum) and wine then we ventured down to David's. Very fun night in all.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Next... plastic surgery for babies

I wish this was available when my boys were young. Finally an end to those horrible hair styles babies insist on sporting.

back to work for me...

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Back on Track...

been a busy week. The wedding was fun. will post photo's later. Was so nice being in Cambridge with Chris. like the old times.

what have I done this week:

Finally found some shoes for CeCe and Lewis' wedding. whew...

finished gathering photos for the Portland book. Some editoral stuff still needs to happen but the bulk of it is done.

read all Ruth Reichl's books. I really do not enjoy reading about food but I love her. I am sad that there are no more.

The school/bus thing seems to be going a bit easier. Less horror stories anyway. Aidan and Aaron had open house earlier this evening. Was nice to hear such good things about them. Seems Aaron is fitting in very well. Feeling very grateful.

Worked a lot. inventory. blah...

okay.. that's the end of my list.

Next trip south

will be for Deb's reading for One Kingdom

Sunday, October 15, 2006
Harvard Museum of Natural History, Cambridge, MA
2:00 pm
One Kingdom book talk and signing

Will be less of a reading more of a hands on event. Meet us there!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Can't believe it's Wednesday already. Time sure flies. 2nd week of school and all is well.

What's going on you ask?

Well, Friday I am going to meet Deb in New Hampshire for the day!! This weekend we head south for Paula and Antonio's wedding. will be fun, The ceremony will be in the Arboretum and party in Harvard Square. Looking forward to seeing all the family together. We have Lewis' and CeCe wedding the following weekend. love love all around.

Lot's of games for Aidan, Aaron and G. I have horrible allergies and am not a lot of fun to be around. blah

Saturday, September 16, 2006

The film was amazing. It is always fun to see how scenes look "on screen" knowing that we were all just a step or two out of the cameras scope. Gabriel was in quite a few scenes and did a GREAT job. Oscar worthy even. very talented young boy. Was shocking how little he looked. Lisa did a great job. I think this is one of her best movies. Of course, I want more on Squanto. He was a truly interesting character. would love to go deeper into what really happened.

I had a bit of shock that people knew who I was. Heard lot's of nice comments about my photographs. Made me feel all squishy and warm inside. Special. Had a good time at the after party at the Ritz,fancy :) . The beautiful view of Boston at night, the wine, seeing people I haven't seen in year.

Aidan ended up staying with Justin. Poor Cowboys lost both games.

Friday, September 15, 2006

bad bad bad

This is just bad news. will have to get the scoop on it when I see Dad and Michael.

Poor poor Emmy...please do not run away to Spain. (if you do please take us with you)

Happy Friday

First full week of school is done. Am picking up the boys from school today. Will be nice to see them as soon as they get out. Not that I am even thinking about not using the bus. After much complaining about "the bus" it is now clear that it is the bus assistant who is causing so much woe for my little ones.

Aidan is very upset that he has to miss his football game on Saturday. I think it did make him feel good that his team and coaches were about as sad as he was. Guess my boy is quite the player. Go figure. He will have so much fun though. We will be back for Ari and G's games. woo hoo. good times.

back to work for me.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

This weekend

Not only is there the filmfest but the Emmy at open studios as well.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Time flies

my my..these past few days have been CRAZY. Had to get a few more images out for the Smithsonian. Doesn't seem like a big deal but it was. I have to be very anal about this and that is not my natural persona. Plus I worked at the bookstore and had a bunch of other paperwork things due.

Friday night will be fun though. Thanks to George, every adult member of my family (but sadly, no Chris) are going to see the movie. Feel bad leaving the kids home but they will most likely have more fun. Poor Chris. He needs a holiday.

School is good. They are wiped out by the drive home though. When I pick them up they are in complaining mode. Guess the bus driver won't let them whisper. hmmm... sounds fishy. My dinner I do get the full scoop. I have a feeling that this may be a boring year for Max. Hopefully not.

Monday, September 11, 2006

First day alone

so...It's my first day alone in a very long time. very strange. I actually made a schedule/list of what I want to do. I fear if I do not I will spend the day trolling on the web.

I heard from the wonderful man in charge of transportation. Though he did re-arrange the bus schedule for my area a bit, the boys would still get home later than we thought. So... I am going to pick them up a few blocks away instead. Not quite as fabulous but considering the morning bus will pick them up in front of the house, I consider it to have worked out quite well. This morning went a lot easier. Didn't seem like such a shock to the system.

On Friday night The Mayflower movie will be shown at the Boston Film Festival ! I am going to go alone (meaning without my family, Lisa et. al will be there). Will go with the whole family to the showing in Plymouth in November. Though I have yet to witness this, I did hear that though my shots are being used all around the country. Sadly, the movie poster will be photoshoped image of a big ocean and a ship. BORING!

This is from Lisa's site.. those are my images. if you haven't already seen it, check out the trailer.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

My Goodfellow/Chojnacki/Izquierdo siblings

Our ship just may have come in! This could just be our winning ticket.

I'm laughing just thinking about it. Really wouldnt' translate now (not that our family would ever be considered normal) but if we could go back in time... oh man...pure gold!

another reason to love Portland

Aidan, Ari and G are very unhappy with the school bus. I think the main issue is that they do miss having me there. (As much as I disliked the daily drive I did love the conversations we had and the ritual of listening to stories on cd/tape. Plus I just love to see them walk into school or running on to the playground) The ride to school was not bad for them but to get home it took an hour. Last night I e-mailed the person in charge of transportation and requested a list of earlier stops where I could meet the boys. Being from Boston I expected to A. be ignored until I pestered him for a few days and B. be yelled at. He wrote me back this morning (yes, it's Saturday and he is a city employee) and said that he was going to make changes on this route since it is too way too long and thank me and hte boys for our patience.

Guess I'm not in Boston in anymore.

Friday, September 08, 2006

photoshop fun

I removed the stain from Karins' sweater!

from my shameful prision years


Back to school

A new school year began on Thursday. All in all it has been a good change but I really do miss having them around during the day. they are pretty tired right now. I am thinking that summer break is just too long. I would rather it was spread out more through the year.

Karin and I did have two wonderful, luxurious days. Today we had a delicious lunch at Artemisia and then a nice long walk in the woods. I am feeling very content right now.

another loss for Portland

One of my favorite clothing stores in Portland is no longer. Word is that she closed for personal reasons not for lack of customers. Still, the Buy Local sticker under the letter did break my heart just a little bit.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

we did it

we were all up at 7:20. okay...we are really aiming for 7 but this is a good start.

that's it.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Feeling MUCH better

maybe becasue the full moon reached it's peak...maybe because the sun is out... maybe we just needed a gloomy day.

Last night Chris and I made lists of lunch ideas & recipes for the boys. Was fun in a strange way. It did make me very sad to think I was going to go for hours without seeing them.

Deb is off to Alaska this Friday!! Alaska is in my top 5 of places I would love to go.

Monday, September 04, 2006

blah blah blah

We've got the end of summer blah's. The sky is gray, I don't think that helps. no good books next to my bed, bored by the book I was reading. no amazing music that I can't wait to hear. I think the boys are hesitant and eager to begin school. I need a major change.

blah blah blah

Oh...Karin comes on Wednesday. That is good.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

0 to 100 in 2 days

Until yesterday Aaron has hated bikes. Said he would NEVER ride one. he was a scooter type of boy. Yesterday morning he decided to give Aidan's bike a try (not sure what prompted this). loved it but could only ride in a straight line. Today he's all over the place. Here you see him riding down a hill.

yay for Ari!!!

Friday, September 01, 2006


After much research they found the mix they want.

Whiz Bang
Fourteen months old
Lab, Basenji mix
Franklin Park, New Jersey, USA
My dog "Whiz Bang" has come far in his short life. At the age of six months, he was abandoned by his owners and left to wander the streets. In October of 2001, I adopted him from my local pound. He was an insecure, scared but energetic puppy. All he wanted was someone to love him! From the minute I saw him, I knew he was my dog. Since coming home with me, he has displayed more loyalty and obedience than any dog I have ever owned. I need no more proof than that to know that he is thankful for what I have given him. He recently received a new "sister" named Lady. When I watch him play with her while thinking that he was abandoned and given up on, it warms my heart to know that I saved a life and gave a dog a future! To know him is to love him ... Whiz-Bang!

Why you should never speak before you've had caffeine

Just as I was going to take my first sip of tea of day Aidan asked if he could get a guinea pig. He said a friend of his has one who is pregnant. nothing personal about guinea pigs...but between having a cat and the care/smell there is just NO way. Of course he pushed it and I said I would rather get another dog than a guinea pig.

What did I say (imagine my face as The Scream)?!!? Now the boys are going through dog book to pick out the mix of their dreams. Aidan has appointed Aaron as his lawyer. He just came in looking for a piece of paper and a pen... .think they are coming up with a legal document.

Oh gawd... now their naming it.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Good news

Oslo- Norwegian police announced Thursday they had recovered two masterpieces by artist Edvard Munch stolen two years from an Oslo museum. Two armed men ripped the paintings - "Madonna" and a version of "The Scream" - off the museum walls and fled in a stolen car in the August 2004 heist. In May, a Norwegian court sentenced three men to jail terms ranging from four to eight years for their role in the theft. The Oslo district court also ruled that two of the men - alleged heist mastermind Bjorn Hoen and co-defendant Peter Tharaldsen - should pay damages of 750 million kroner (121 million dollars) to the city of Oslo for the stolen Munch masterpieces. Three other defendants in the case were acquitted. Munch, who lived from 1863 to 1944, is considered one of Europe's most important expressionist artists.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

told you God was a woman

My Mom took Ethan to the visitors info center in Deering Oaks Park in search of bathroom today. When he saw the building he stated that God lives there. Upon entering he asked the woman working there if she was God. She said no, she was not God but a princess and this was her castle.

Later..he brought us in and introduced her as God the princess.

FYI, her bathroom was very clean.

maybe not...

according to this weeks phoenix we may not be getting a hooters downtown.
summer seems to have ended rather quickly this year. I am okay with it, eager to wear long sleeves. A cruel reminder of what lay ahead for the boys though. SCHOOL!!! Since they do like school and have fab teachers it's not a complete tragedy but the end of late night and lazy days is truly a thing to mourn. I gave them all haircuts. All but G's came out how they wanted it. I tried to trim his without cutting off his curls. no luck. the next morning he asked why I gave him such a wierd haircut. sorry G.

One more beach day would have been nice. Yesterday they attempted to swim in a friends pool but it didn't last long.

big heavy SIGH

Monday, August 28, 2006

happy day

Karin's coming home today! I hope Dad, Janice or Micheal meet her with a lovely freah salad. avacado, tomato mmmm.....

it's raining. i am grateful for that. feel like we needed a lazy morning.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Bus

Aidan, Aaron and G received their bus schedules yesterday. The bus will pick them up & drop off right down the street!! To make the situation even better it's the same time as we usually leave and will drop them @ the usual time we would make it home. Though I will miss the time we spend together in the am, usually listening to a book or music and seeing them walk out of school with their friends. I am so happy to know that there will be days that our car will not leave the parking spot!

I just hope that some of their friends are on the same bus.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

R & R camp

rest and relaxation? no...ROCK 'N ROLL. Max had his performance yesterday. Why is it that Max's band is always the best. hmmm.... at first I thought we were bias, but Aidan's friend was with us and he thought so too. while he may also be bias, he is not AS bias as us. So they really just must be the best.

here is yelling over the chaotic noise of his fellow campers to tell me he loves me. "No Mom, I love YOU more..." awwww.... what a nice boy.

his friends waiting for him after the show. was not raining.