Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Thought you may be interested in hearing Slate's commentary on Obama's ad during the football game this weekend.

Course the Bear's game was not the one playing in our house. The Chargers/Patriots game ruled the mood in our house. Had some interesting effects on my boys... I will not go into to describe the wide range of emotions the Chargers losing had on this men folk in this house.

Weird event of the night. Max went to let the cat out and felt something bad enter the house. He said Mica stopped in fear then ran off. The next morning he reported that he felt it leave very early in the am. He woke around 3am and could not get back to sleep. odd.

They are very excited about watching American Idol. I must say the auditions are quite funny. Who knew?

oh... important fact about me... I HATE WINTER. I do not enjoy the crunch of sand/salt and ice under my feet. I will never long for dry dead air of a closed up house. You will not hear me reminisce about he daily harried search for hats/mittens/coats/etc.. (and we do have a place for them. I think they all run off and hide elsewhere in the middle of the night. naughty things that they are)

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