Sunday, April 30, 2006

Here is a story about the Sudanese immigrant populationin Portland by Scott Simon of NPR. If you have the chance listen.

Take me out to the ball game

The beginning of the most boring game in history. Due to there being so many kids on his team he was only up at bat once and in the field during one inning. We're hoping that it was a fluke and not a sign of things to come.

Here is Aidan waiting for a pitch. He was walked... I was just pleased that he didnt' get hit by the ball (the pitcher did hit 2 kids before him)

Aaron and G's game was much more exciting. this ball in front o f Aaron is just about to be hit into center field.

Gabriel has requested that his coached called him G-Man (they asked). So... here is G-Man about to hit another pretty good hit down the baseline (are you inpressed with how many baseball terms I know)

Our long cold day was saved by the lovely water and island view.

Some of G-Mans fans.

The suspense of the day was really getting to Max.

I promise to never write about baseball again.

Friday, April 28, 2006

"Please Mama Please"

Aaron wants a...

I want

the Nellie McKay cd. from what I heard it's pretty great. Just thought I'd let ya know.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Papa Heaven

Crossword and chess. could it get any better?!

doing the crossword with Papa

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

another item to add to your wish list

found this at what can I say?

silly mistake

lucky for me I have Air American radio up here in Maine. A caller was able to share a wee bit of an error that has caused much pain and suffering in our great nation. God does not hate homosexuals... God hates figs. are you doubtful? here is the site that has some very relevant biblical quotes and what YOU can do to rid of this pesky fruit:

Sunday, April 23, 2006

What a week it was

We had a very busy week. First we had a lovely visit from Ethan and Nana then we traveled down to Somerville and Cape Cod to visit our family and friends. We were lucky enough to also see some exotic animals that one would normaly not expect to see in New England.

This is Harvey the Llama. He lives on Pertersons Farm in Falmouth

Harvey's job is to watch over the sheep. We noticed that Harvey was VERY good at his job

We also saw a monkey

monkeys are good at making people laugh, this monkey was also VERY good at it's job.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The way life should be???

Blue Bag Blues It could become more than twice as expensive to generate trash in Portland if the City Council approves a proposal to more than double the price of city trash bags. A pack of ten 15-gallon bags or five 30-gallon bags now costs $4.75. The proposal would raise that to $10 for either size package. The price hike would take effect Sept. 1. City Manager Joe Gray included those price increases in his new budget proposal, which the council will formally consider early next month. The price increases are intended to help defray the cost of several major, new recycling initiatives.

While I do think that having the trash bags be expensive at 4.75 is good since people have recylced more. but 10.00!!!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Thank you for smoking

My mom and I saw this tonight. Was Great. A must see. I wish that Max could see it but it there was too sexy sex scene. With Katie Holmes... though she did a great job all I could think of was Tom Cruise. yuck.


Monday, April 17, 2006


Tonight Chris stayed with the boys and my mom and I went to David's for drinks. Their Guinness keg blew so I had 2 Bass'. So much fun. What I think made me most happy was that I felt like we were in Ireland. Just in the way that we were out have a pint in a nice little place with no where to "run". I wonder did I love being in Ireland or not on a timeclock??


Sunday, April 16, 2006

How much candy can one eat in a day? a lot... actually right now Gabriel is doing his best to finish a lovely Lindt chocolate bunny.

Happy Easter!!!!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

All alone in the world

At first Max wasnt' too thrilled with our 2 miles trek the other day.

A Raccoon!!!

We were so surprised to find a Raccoon in the wild!!!

Sitting in the front seat.

His dream has come true. He is a navigator in training.

G is here

oh my!!!

here it is.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

black and red

We painted Max's room. black and red!! though it is dark it does look very cool. looks like a teenagers room. crazy? yes?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006