Tuesday, July 31, 2007

When Karin asked me to send some images for her museums juried member show I did so without much hope. I mean.. it's a museum... a museum that has some really great art in it. well... 2 of my photographs were selected. I am floored. I would have never imagined. And... Karin had nothing to do with the decision process (it was by a gallery owner who is not involved with the museum).
I now have to print, frame and price them. I bet there will be a party to go to also. After the book release party I have decided that when you are part of something but not the focus of attention a gathering can be loads of fun!
These are the two photographs that were chosen.


Karinina said...

Mark your calendars:

The opening is Sunday Decemeber 9 2-5pm!

Michael said...

yah! i love that you posted that so quickly.

Liz Woodbury said...

wow!! congratulations -- maybe we can come, too!

Michael said...

that would be great! I really like the work in the museum. i was really surprised when I first went in. not sure what i expected.