Monday, July 02, 2007

I love Maine in the summer. Not sure why I would ever want to leave. Today we went with friends to a pond and then strawberry picking. it was such a carefree pleasant way to spend the afternoon.

We had a wonderful time at the museum. While the turnout was low compared to the winter event it was so much fun. I had only Ari and G with me, it was sweet to snuggle in Karin's bed with them and spend the day together. I guess together is a bad choice of words... we were in the same space but they spend most of the (8 hour day) doing origami. I think it's pretty amazing that we were there that long and they left happy and excited. My sun print event went well.... grownup's liked it as much a kids. the volunteers were having a great time with it! now that the museum event is over I am 100% focused on the Saturday Market. yikes... that's scary.

Ari doing origami

I liked this. there is a lot i like at this museum. much more than I thought I would. not sure why

some of the kids decided to use their hands for the prints.

a cute boy doing origami outside

that's me... helping a boy... I think he was doing his hand

Karin in her office

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