Friday, July 20, 2007

Had a great time at the book release party last night. Was so nice to see the photographs and photographers. Wish I had more time to talk to people Channel 8 showed up and was nice but took up a lot of time. Not complaining...

Maybe I'll post more later. feeling very tired right now.

funny story... we were in Target buying some stuff for Michael. G bit Karin's hand (in play) and we noticed that his teeth marks were odd looking. Karin mentioned that he may be grinding his teeth at night, she does and her bite looks like his. of course we all had to test it out... we all go so into the mark our teeth leaves we didnt' realize that we were standing in the middle of the aisle in target biting ourselves. My friend happened to call & when I looked up to answer the phone I saw that there were some people were standing there looking at us like we were nuts.

I like being around my family.


Karinina said...

I still have cute little monster bites on my hand.

The opening was great! Was a swell night.

Michael is off to his first weekend w the National Guard, and I finally have matching underwear.

Michael said...

i would say it was a success.

did you ever figure out the Italian city??

Anonymous said...

I got your photo book today and think it is absolutely wonderful! It is going to be my new favorite to buy as a gift for family and friends. And I'm adding it to my favorite books section on my blog. Thank you for this treasure.

Michael said...

oh thank you..thank you...