Friday, September 01, 2006

Why you should never speak before you've had caffeine

Just as I was going to take my first sip of tea of day Aidan asked if he could get a guinea pig. He said a friend of his has one who is pregnant. nothing personal about guinea pigs...but between having a cat and the care/smell there is just NO way. Of course he pushed it and I said I would rather get another dog than a guinea pig.

What did I say (imagine my face as The Scream)?!!? Now the boys are going through dog book to pick out the mix of their dreams. Aidan has appointed Aaron as his lawyer. He just came in looking for a piece of paper and a pen... .think they are coming up with a legal document.

Oh gawd... now their naming it.


Liz Woodbury said...

uh...this doesn't have anything to do with a certain guinea pig named april, does it??? cause dr. jill has diagnosed her as "possibly pregnant," though i have seen no such evidence. in any event, should boo's beloved april give birth, i will let you know on the very tiny off-chance that your feelings (dog vs. guinea pig) have changed. i'll call you after you've had your morning tea.

Michael said...

why, yes it does. wonder how large of a litter they have? oh my. that would be a surprise.

Aidan now wants to get a job in order to raise money for the dog.
