Saturday, September 16, 2006

The film was amazing. It is always fun to see how scenes look "on screen" knowing that we were all just a step or two out of the cameras scope. Gabriel was in quite a few scenes and did a GREAT job. Oscar worthy even. very talented young boy. Was shocking how little he looked. Lisa did a great job. I think this is one of her best movies. Of course, I want more on Squanto. He was a truly interesting character. would love to go deeper into what really happened.

I had a bit of shock that people knew who I was. Heard lot's of nice comments about my photographs. Made me feel all squishy and warm inside. Special. Had a good time at the after party at the Ritz,fancy :) . The beautiful view of Boston at night, the wine, seeing people I haven't seen in year.

Aidan ended up staying with Justin. Poor Cowboys lost both games.

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