Monday, September 11, 2006

First day alone

so...It's my first day alone in a very long time. very strange. I actually made a schedule/list of what I want to do. I fear if I do not I will spend the day trolling on the web.

I heard from the wonderful man in charge of transportation. Though he did re-arrange the bus schedule for my area a bit, the boys would still get home later than we thought. So... I am going to pick them up a few blocks away instead. Not quite as fabulous but considering the morning bus will pick them up in front of the house, I consider it to have worked out quite well. This morning went a lot easier. Didn't seem like such a shock to the system.

On Friday night The Mayflower movie will be shown at the Boston Film Festival ! I am going to go alone (meaning without my family, Lisa et. al will be there). Will go with the whole family to the showing in Plymouth in November. Though I have yet to witness this, I did hear that though my shots are being used all around the country. Sadly, the movie poster will be photoshoped image of a big ocean and a ship. BORING!

This is from Lisa's site.. those are my images. if you haven't already seen it, check out the trailer.


Liz Woodbury said...

i just have to say that my boy is loving having yours on the same bus with him (he said yesterday he sat with gabriel). i am thanking my lucky stars that our stop is directly in front of our house!!

Michael said...

Yes. Mornings are dreamy! Afternoons not much so but I really hate to complain. I have not been in my car since Sunday!