Tuesday, July 31, 2007

When Karin asked me to send some images for her museums juried member show I did so without much hope. I mean.. it's a museum... a museum that has some really great art in it. well... 2 of my photographs were selected. I am floored. I would have never imagined. And... Karin had nothing to do with the decision process (it was by a gallery owner who is not involved with the museum).
I now have to print, frame and price them. I bet there will be a party to go to also. After the book release party I have decided that when you are part of something but not the focus of attention a gathering can be loads of fun!
These are the two photographs that were chosen.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

the heat is back. I thought is was going to rain this weekend and I don't think I was alone. last night I stood in line at videoport with many Portlander's preparing for staying in doors watching movies. Instead we are off to the beach.

Chris and I did watch Running with Scissors last night. wow....

I am determined to start taking photo's again. I am always taking photo's but to take photo's for me. I think I am freaked out at the prospect of hte next show here in Portland. I need to have an image from the book and then another Portland image. I am so bored with my past photographs I don't even want to look at them. that's my story of the day.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

oh Harry!!!

i finished. will not post anything just in case. dying to talk about it though.

I think I am going to host a Harry Potter therapy session at the store next week. I just walk to talk about it!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Had a great time at the book release party last night. Was so nice to see the photographs and photographers. Wish I had more time to talk to people Channel 8 showed up and was nice but took up a lot of time. Not complaining...

Maybe I'll post more later. feeling very tired right now.

funny story... we were in Target buying some stuff for Michael. G bit Karin's hand (in play) and we noticed that his teeth marks were odd looking. Karin mentioned that he may be grinding his teeth at night, she does and her bite looks like his. of course we all had to test it out... we all go so into the mark our teeth leaves we didnt' realize that we were standing in the middle of the aisle in target biting ourselves. My friend happened to call & when I looked up to answer the phone I saw that there were some people were standing there looking at us like we were nuts.

I like being around my family.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Talk about temptation

Today we revieved 30 boxes of the new Harry Potter book.

yup...all those books just sitting in the basement. bet they're lonely... just wanting someone to free them of their prison and hold them.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What a shitty day

I just talked to Susie and am told that Grandma passed free of pain, fully aware of what was happening and at peace. That is good... it is selfish that I am consumed by sadness. I should be with family (bad thing about living so far away) celebrating her life. we are Irish after all. maybe some alcohol is needed.

local online mag the bollard gave the book a mixed review. on which side the review leans depends on the reader I guess. While I do expect some negative press I did not expect it to be so snarky. besides disagreeing on the basic feel of the book (i feel this book is for the people of Portland...sort of doubt many tourists would be interested) a few truths are hit upon. But... I am really curious to how many kids the reviewer thinks I have. Seriously.... I must have the reputation of the biggest floozy in Portland. In truth, I asked the photographers to submit photo's from their portfolio's. I did the same for myself and I have a lot of kids in mine. not all my kids. maybe i am the mother of all Portland's children .. maybe I'll get a parade. there were many good comments but I am sad today so will only focus on the negative. Grandma's funeral is this weekend. will not make it down. So happy we went down in the spring.

With G this April

Grandma and Henry 2007

with a few grand and great-grand kids

Mary D. Goodfellow

i survived

thanks for David and John I survived the interview.

will post if I can figure out how.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I am such a bundle of nerves. Tonight I am on WMPG @ 8pm to talk about hte book. I do not speak well. if you know me, you know that. Luckily another photographer will join me. He is comfortable in such situations.

cross you fingers for me (please)

Aaron is in metal smith camp this week. a perfect fit. Aidan is doing summer fun again and Max, G and I are just chillin. not much to report. well... I guess there is a lot going on but I'd have to think about it to write about it and that's just too much work.

Last night went to movies in the park and that was really fun. sometimes all one needs is to sit out in the open a kids movie on a cool summer night.

here's the schedule:

July 16- The Incredibles (Family/Animated)
July 23- West Side Story (Musical)
July 30- Ghostbusters (Action/Adventure)
August 6- Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Comedy)
August 13- The Quiet Man (John Ford- Drama)

Friday, July 13, 2007

My friend Meg has a good link on her blog about how you can obtain happiness through cleanliness. check it out... it is life altering.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Book release party

is 7/19, 7pm at the Domaine Gallery in the Old Port.

poor henry

has been so sick. I think the docs at bracket street finally figured it out. he hurt his neck. we are giving him muscle relaxers and he should be on bed rest (how does one bed rest a dog?)

he is so sad and sweet, a bit on the clingy side. Understandable so, I think this was really scary for him. Max thinks that his visit to the emergency vet left him feeling scared and depressed. i know it has that effect on Chris and Max. sounded like a horrible place. plus they charged us lot's of money and misdiagnosed him.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

they did a little news peice on us. check it out

not sure where they got hte fresh food and flowers though.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Starts tomorrow... runs through 8/28.
it went well... we had 11 vendors. 4 did not show which is sad since they paid. Seemed at the end of the day all the vendors were happy. we didn't' have loads of traffic but not bad for the first time. At least everyone made their space fee back. I heard from one person that most of her customers were tourists. I did have a good amount of people interested in being vendors and heard that the talk about the market was positive (hearsay of course but why would they lie). I do wish we started a bit later but i fear it is too late to change that.
on a different note. last night we were watching movies of the kids... they were SO cute. still are but it made me sad and want another baby. don't' worry... not happening, but still...
Right now Chris and Max are bring Henry to the vet emergency room. he is acting really off. scary off. fingers crossed.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

I am not sure which image I should use for The Domaine Gallery & State House show.

I am thinking either this one

or this one

I am also COMPLETELY overwhelmed. The Saturday Markets starts this weekend. It runs from 9-2. Chris will be working, (hopefully) the store will be too busy for him or Stuart to leave, I have to pick Aidan up from his friends camping b'day party at Bradbury Mountain (1/2 an hour away) and get him for his 2:30 game. How am I going to do this? I am so behind in everything...we have no food...no money...the house is a mess... and... now the the book is done and the market happening I have no big project going on. breathe....

okay.. I needed to vent.

The book is now #1 on the best sellers. yahoo... I am hearing that people are confused by my using Goodfellow. Can't figure out who I am. sort of funny... Lisa and Bowe are both there also. it's like disguising yourself with a pair of glasses.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Our friend David now has a website for hoopleville.
not sure what we are going to do today... we all slept in.. Chris and Max are still sleeping.. love mornings like this. I sort of wish it was raining and we were going to spend the day reading, watching movies and eating. we may chase the sun and go to clay beach. update: only Max wandered further than our back yard today. We'll go see the fireworks in a bit though. I do not feel guilty at all. We needed this! I just started Joe Hill's 20th Century Ghost Stories. ohhhh...good stuff

these photo's are from a few weeks back.

G is such a good Daddy

not sure they should be playing catch with Tommy though

in case you weren't able to see just how cute Tommy is

Monday, July 02, 2007

I love Maine in the summer. Not sure why I would ever want to leave. Today we went with friends to a pond and then strawberry picking. it was such a carefree pleasant way to spend the afternoon.

We had a wonderful time at the museum. While the turnout was low compared to the winter event it was so much fun. I had only Ari and G with me, it was sweet to snuggle in Karin's bed with them and spend the day together. I guess together is a bad choice of words... we were in the same space but they spend most of the (8 hour day) doing origami. I think it's pretty amazing that we were there that long and they left happy and excited. My sun print event went well.... grownup's liked it as much a kids. the volunteers were having a great time with it! now that the museum event is over I am 100% focused on the Saturday Market. yikes... that's scary.

Ari doing origami

I liked this. there is a lot i like at this museum. much more than I thought I would. not sure why

some of the kids decided to use their hands for the prints.

a cute boy doing origami outside

that's me... helping a boy... I think he was doing his hand

Karin in her office