Wednesday, May 16, 2007

today Aaron was told he no longer has to wear his splint. he still should not play sports but otherwise he can do anything.

so, dear blog reader. I think you are ready for the true story of how Ari broke his hand. you can see from the photo above that it looks much like the one sir potter received on his forehead. this household too received a visitor of the darker nature. Aaron, with help from Raccooni was able to fight off lord V. It was a tough battle, the rest of the family were held back by a curse and could not help. I won't go into details. I sent the info the Ms Rawlings (she was desperate for ideas) and she is using it for book 7. Needless to say, Aaron was victorious, he and Raccooni unharmed, except for this scar.


pixiegenne said...

that is a great scar! as far as scars go...

Michael said...

i'm happy he gets something good out of it. when I was a kid I wanted a scar (i no longer have that wish). all i had was a tiny one on my chin.