Sunday, May 20, 2007

things i loved about yesterday:

-The boys met a friend at the Y

-Aaron played with a friend from school who also lives in the neighborhood. G played with them for a while too. then... the dad walked them home.

-G and Aidan played baseball on the western prom and I sat in the car knitting and listening to my book on tape.

-Aidan was a mothers helper for a few hours

-Max's friends came over and I had enough ice cream for everyone

-Max then went out with and was home exactly when we told him to be

-Aidan is happy he made the track team

- I loved living in Portland.

things I didn't love about yesterday:

-it rained

-I do not see any green coming up from out yard

-Max and I stayed up to watch Zach Braff on Saturday Night Live and it wasn't funny.

-I wanted to take a nap and couldn't

-the cleaning fairy didn't come. again.

-chris's arm hurts badly. we do not have pain medicine so i bought scotch (pain med of years gone by) and it was yucky.

-I really wanted to shoot and didn't have any film