Tuesday, April 10, 2007

shopping is not fun

i tried to get some clothes for our trip today. was able to find the boys some things but I hated everything i saw. At least I hated it on me. didn't' find anything downtown, tried the mall (major yuck), always hear people say they find things at Target. All i found was crap. I guess I am not really sure what I like. i think I need a fashion consultant. Wonder if they do goodwill. That's most likely where I'll end up.

I am wondering if it is Portland or me.


pixiegenne said...

i think shopping is very mood sensitive.
have you tried kohl's? they have good basics.
and my favorite, salvation army, where clothing is 1/2 off today!

Michael said...

that makes sense. I will try again.


Karinina said...

do you want to borrow anything of mine?

Michael said...


Liz Woodbury said...

it's portland!!!

Michael said...

thought we'd agree on that!!!