Monday, April 09, 2007


We had a nice day. The boys has fun coloring eggs and were left beach pails with flip-slop, beach towels and candy.

Regrettably some cracked. we thought they still looked pretty

G loved them all

Then Aidan, and I met up with some friends for a chilly beach romp. the kids played with odds and end they found at the beach. they made a teeter-totter, catapult, measuring devise. Here G is being measured in stones. they did try to catapult G but A. i wouldn't let them and B. it was too low to the ground. Gabriel was very disappointed.

Aidan too

Aaron had his cast changed this morning. He has an S shaped scar on his hand. sort of harry potter-ish. he will have his hand in a sling for about 4 weeks and cannot get it wet nor go on any rides at disney (direct orders from the doc) how's that for disappointing news. I am going to check out the wild animal park and Epcot center for him.


pixiegenne said...

any rides? that seems a bit harsh. i think he could go on it's a small world or any ride that's not too fast. that's my very professional opinion. the safari in the animal kingdom is pretty awesome and no more of a ride than sitting in a jeep...

Michael said...

I know!! the doc is worried that he may hit his hand on something. the bones are still setting and it is still not 100% that he will not have a hand issue in the future.

it seems so mean.

i havent' been to disney in years. is the animal kingdom in disney?

Liz Woodbury said...

i'm sorry to say it, but it sounds like future therapy to me: "yeah, and then my parents took me to disney world and i had to stand there watching all my brothers go on rides!!" poor aaron! there's gotta be something cool he can do there...

Michael said...

i know... the more I think about it the worse it seems.
i am going to call them today. See what there for him to do. I also do not really want us to be seperated from Chris, Max, Aidan and G. He'll get his cast off sometime in May but hten it's so hot. grrr...

Aaron does not like fast rides anyway. I am hoping that there are enough mellow rides and attrations so that he could have fun.

pixiegenne said...

there's plenty for him to do. we can chat at karate about it (unless, of course, it's jen's week to be there :))

Michael said...

that's funny

Liz Woodbury said...

your eggs are so beautiful, by the way -- they look very martha stewart to me. also, i love that you wrote "flip-slop." that's what i'm going to call them from now on. i suppose you know how famous ari and his hand are at school!!!

Michael said...

I am now forgetting the other name for them? I know some call them thongs but that just doesn't sound right. kids got some thongs for easter. :)

is he famous? happy something good came out of this.