Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Here's Aaron when he just woke from surgery. he had to try to eat some crackers and drink ginger ale. He must keep his hand raised at all time for at least a week and he can not move any of his fingers since he has a screw in his hand and finger movement could upset how they heal.
all in all his is doing great. Last night was tough , I hated it. He could not fall asleep because of the pain. having your son cry himself to sleep and not be able to help his sucks. Though it does remind me to be thankful that it is only his hand and it will get better. we are giving him Tylenol with codeine, it seems to be working better this morning.
The doctors have been amazing. His doctor from the emergency room at Maine Med (Dr Chris Bowe) even called last night to check on him.
Joelle taught me to knit on Sunday. Came in handy yesterday. I really wasn't focused enough to read. knitting is very good activity to do while you worry. I am making Aaron a scarf. i hope anyway. joelle and I only had a few moments before one of the Little's needed us so I have a very basic knowledge. not sure how I started with 40 stitches/loops and now I have 55. it's looking sort of oval. hmmm....


jen j-m said...

little buddy! i'm so glad it went well, and i hope he feels much better soon.

emanuela de musis said...

poor ari. give him a big hug and kiss for me.

Michael said...

Thanks. he is doing better today. i am hoping he can go to school tommorrow.

I am now trying not to think of the many ways it could have been worse.

Liz Woodbury said...

poor baby. it makes me get teary-eyed just to think of it. i hate when you can't do anything but BE there... i hope he feels so good today!