Tuesday, September 04, 2007


All the first days of school are all done. Max is loving school, I am so relieved and happy. Aidan is in heaven, in the same house as most of his friends, is with his bff (see how hip i am with tween lingo, at least according to tv commercials) for all classes. Aa and G are sort of blase about school. no big changes.. just getting back on the horse.
so, all in all life is good.

i know you want a funny story from the subculture of my house.

Tommy has cooties. How do I know this? Because I must ad lib through their actions. Mica and Henry hate him. the other day Tommy gently touched Henry's face, Henry swiped the spot with his paw then rubbed his entire face on the rug for about 1 min. If he could speak human he would have been saying, "ew... Tommy cooties.. get 'em off me...get 'em off me.. Mica.. help...get me a towel, soap and water.."

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