Friday, February 23, 2007

We lose out again

Here it is a week after Whole Foods opened here in Portland. I was excited about the money we residents would save from their price wars.... not happening. Now that Whole Foods bought out Wild Oats there will be no price wars... Wild Oats is due to close in 3 mos (what I heard from a employee at local store). So now we have no local store, no price wars, no Trader Joe's.

* Update*

I just read that W.O.'s may stay open for longer than I first heard. Still I am sad that W.F.'s is such a mega corporation. Buying out it's competitors.


Liz Woodbury said...

no, i envision a trader joe's going where wild oats is right now...right?? let's keep our t.j's-in-maine campaign going. plus, hannaford's natural foods section is big enough to cause a little price competition with whole foods.

what's the latest on wild oats closing date?

Michael said...

My mom talked to someone @ TJ's and they said they cannot come to Maine becuase there is a law that a certain % of products must be from Maine. Seems they dont' play that game. Course I am not sure of the details but it sounds like it would be true. I am sad. :(

I havne't heard anything else. Was in Whole Foods today and it was CRAZY busy. After wasting a tank of gas looking for a parking spot we decided to give up and found one on our way out. I think there were many non Portland gawkers. hopefully will calm down. I hope those out of towners decided to explore Portland a bit.

Liz Woodbury said...

when i asked last about tj's in maine, they said it had something to do with new hampshire and the liquor laws (???) but another time, they said it would definitely happen, it just wasn't on the front burner (they expand in stages, and they were focusing on the midwest or something). i'll get my mom to continue to pester, now that she's within walking distance of a tj's.

Michael said...

a trader joe's would be really nice.

they should open one this summer.. just to be nice to us. we deserve it.

Liz Woodbury said...

m talked to someone (wine buyer) at whole foods who said they're planning to close wild oats after approximately 2 years (?) she may or may not know what she's talking about.