Tuesday, February 27, 2007

this weekend

was a nice end to the school break. Karin came up and she and Max were able to get out to dinner and go to the Dave Eggers and Valentino Achak Deng reading. Yesterday we were to have a day to ourselves but G wasn't feeling well (the night before and in the morning. course was fine by 9am) so our plan was altered a bit. So he joined us for lunch and when Karin took me to get my eyebrows waxed @ Akari. is it strange that I found it incredibly peaceful? Enjoyable even.

I am concerned that G and Max are lactose intolerant. Let me change that, I know G is and think Max is. I am taking away all dairy for a week. Max is miserable, he really loves dairy. I hope for his sake he isn't'. or... I hope he is like Matt and can still eat yogurt and drink that lactose free milk (he HATES soy milk as much as I hate cow milk).

it's almost Max's b'day. 14 years old. Because of Florida and NY he is going to nix the b'day party this year. He has requested I make the dinosaur cake I made him when he was 4. this should be interesting.


pixiegenne said...

and now, the all-important question....is dave eggers hot in person?

Michael said...

not sure, I didnt' go. will ask Karin.

Karinina said...

no, not hot.

he was not bad looking, but he had no sideburns and that just isn't hot.

Liz Woodbury said...

has max tried oat milk? that used to be the only non-dairy milk that bean could stand (now she loves them all). i kind of love hazelnut milk myself.

i think it's adorable that max wants the dinosaur cake!

Michael said...

sideburns?! funniest thing i heard all morning.

I am a bit scared of the dino cake...lot's of details. plus he wants the nasty sugar frosting. he is a funny boy.
he has never tried oat milk. I'll give it a shot. i think he just hates the whole idea of it so is determined to hate everything.