Thursday, February 22, 2007

scrotum scrotum scrotum scrotum

So the ridiculous ride that The Higher Power of Lucky the 2006 Newberry award winner has been on found it's way into The New York Times (there is follow up dialogue on this in the papers more recent letters. I am a bit late in putting this on the blog....sorry). This is a wonderful book that is being censored by librarians because it uses the word scrotum on the first page. Of course if they read the book beyond the first page their opinions may change. It's a story of a young girl searching for truth.

My family loved the book and Gabriel's reaction to finding out the meaning of the offending word. He fell off his chair laughing.


pixiegenne said...

you just like saying "scrotum", don't you?
fucking librarians, man, what the fuck do they know?

Michael said...

i know...they're so uptight. you should hear what they say about the one @ the baxter school for the deaf.