Tuesday, December 05, 2006

spaghetti boy

This weekend I shot Max's friend Jesse's bar mitzva. caught this photo of Max dancing. ha ha...i laugh every time I look at it.

it turned out to be a great job and party. i thought it would be strange to take photos of Max's friends but it turned out to be fun. They pretty much ignored me and I was just free to shoot. Plus Jesse is one of the nicest boys (or should I say men) i know.

I was able to hire an assistant and really lucked out there too. She and I are seriously thinking about doing more of this. Something I thought I would NEVER say but we worked really worked well together. pkus she is very nice. i like nice people.

The boys are all doing well. Chris is at work a lot and I am doing the seasonal bean job again. not tons of fun but money is good and I like the people I work with. one woman worked for governor king so there's lot's of good political stories. oh... Glenn is being sworn in tomorrow.

oh...i do have a photo in the photo a gogo auction. here's the link.

all in all things are pretty quite...not getting kicked out of clubs or anything.


Karinina said...

I see he is sporting the Michael Jackson look with his white socks....is that the secret to his gravity defying moves?

Michael said...

oh gawd... i didnt' even notice that.

maybe :)