Saturday, December 16, 2006

the brighter side

last weekend we got our tree. this year we cut down our own rather than buy one from a lot. I always thought it sounded like a nightmare but it was actually fun. maybe because G is older. We decorated it last night..was a shockingly sane event. Today we are making a gingerbread house. from scratch... i'll post a photo of the finished product... if the boys dont' eat all the candy first. wish us luck.

Notice the prices on the sign.... this antique dates back to 1965. sigh....

Gabriel's heavy load

finally we found the perfect tree

Upon our arrival Chris found his ideal Charlie Brown Tree.


Karinina said...

G looks so cute carrying that tree!!!

He is such a toughie!

Karinina said...

haha, and Ari looks so thoughtful.


Michael said...

yeah... he was deep in thoughts of anger directed and your truly. before this I took his photo when he didn't want me to. he was furious. it was like I was the paparazzi and he was Sean penn.