Thursday, May 11, 2006

biggest goober of them all

Aidan wanted to watch American Idol. I was worried about what kind of garbage would accompany this program (commercials, product placement, etc..) so I watched with him. I now must admit that despite the crappy songs I enjoy it and am very sad that Chris Daughtry was voted off.

There. I said it.


Liz Woodbury said...

ooh, sucked in to the world of reality tv!! there are a lot of worse things out there than american idol (worst i've found so far = "wife swap").

Michael said...

between the reality TV and excessive tattooing/piercing phenomenon I wonder how all of this will be viewed years from now. what about the poor kids on these shows.. there is one that advertises and English nanny and bratty kids... I see major therapy in their future!