Thursday, October 19, 2006

yay Jeffery

yay Jeffery won. as much as I didn't really like him I thought it was incredibly talented. my mom was here and we watched, drank wine and then Chris surprised us with a delicious treat with edamame, potstickers and odd but yummy mix of veggies.

I kept G home yesterday since Ethan was here and they had a really sweet afternoon...I bought them each a peacock plume @ the farmers market, they picked out gourds then they played on the shores of the Atlantic ocean.

sort of freaked out by images in the hausfrau. happy that people "get" them but it is really strange to see ME, not just something by me. it's very personal.


Liz Woodbury said...

i had no idea that we had project runway fandom in common! we were rooting for jeffrey over here, too, despite the fact that he's been kind of a meanie in the past. his collection was lovely, mostly, and the others just weren't that exciting. also, i think deep in his heart that he's not a bad guy.

also, a belated happy anniversary to you and chris -- and congrats on the photos in hausfrau (just happened to skim past them when i was waiting in line at the udder place -- i was so happy to find them there!).

Michael said...

did you read his interview on I think if someone followed most of us around with a camera we could be presented as a jerk, nice, stupid.. ya know. I guess that is the conclusion I have come to. I have watch him with an odd morbid fascination. not wanting to like him but then really appreciating what he can do. pretty amazing vision. I HATED Vincent though. I am needing to gossip 'bout this. what are your thoughts???

thanks! I thought of you on your b'day. I was going to e-mail you but never got around to it. Hope it was HAPPY!!!!

Thanks for the kind words on the photo's too. a strange way to expose oneself. yes?

Liz Woodbury said...

i REALLY wish i'd known about your project runway fandom earlier, cause i love to gossip about it. lucky for me, my kids and my mom are totally into it. isn't vincent creepy? he was a wonderful villain, in a much more interesting way than jeffrey would've been if they'd angled him to be the villain (because you're right, through editing, etc, it's so easy to force people into certain "types"). jeffrey wasn't very diplomatic, and sometimes he said stuff without thinking or trying not to hurt someone's feelings, but by the time he won i was completely on his side. plus, i LOVED his collection. bean actually got on the website to see how much the winning dress was going for on auction (they auction off all the garments from the show). wish i had $1000 to buy it for her, because she'd be the hippest freshman at cbhs!

congrats on the newest boy in your family!

Michael said...

I agree... I think he was the only one who was able to reach beyond his own style and design.

next year let's talk!!! what did you think of Laura?

I loved that dress too!