Saturday, March 15, 2008

good morning! it is snowing here... so very excited about that. I just LOVE snow. I am not sick of it all. I hope it snows enough that I have to shovel my car out. that would sure be a treat!

I do not believe I have announced the 2 new additions to our family; Bobo and Trigger. Gerbils that Aidan's class bred for science (they were studying genetics, not sex ed) and were then raised by the kids. He had proven to be the devoted father we always thought he would be. He has worked and saved his money to buy them all two little gerbils would want. seriously they live in a 3 story luxury suite that is constantly being renovated by Aidan and his brothers and friends. 
I will post photo's soon. promise. Speaking of Aidan, did I mention that he has contacts now? and Max's braces are off? G lost his front teeth? 

in other news... My friend who I have been working on stock photography with/for is truly brilliant.  though we are not done with the entire editing process 2 agencies have already expressed an interest. the whole process takes a while but knowing all this work will ultimately be profitable feels great. 

hmm... what else. the parent company of the restaurant next to the bookstore went bankrupt. poor people. they were really doing a good job. I believe one of the employees is going to take it over. 


Liz Woodbury said...

i can't begin to tell you how much i appreciate your sarcasm re: the snow!!!

Michael said...

thanks! it's about all i have left.