Thursday, January 03, 2008

this morning I was alone in the house for the first time in weeks. An odd but nice feeling. we had a really nice vacation. I know that my being so lenient with the wii playing helped. a lot!

project runway was pretty great last night. Loved hearing Spartacus aka Kevin say he wanted to knock Christian out (of the show.. those were not his exact words). that boy annoys me to no end. someone gave him an extra dose of self confidence and not enough empathy. I loved what Rami did and was pleasantly surprised with Chris's dress.

Got an e-mail from Emmy! She starts classes on Monday. Her apt sounds great, over looks a courtyard and is 10 min away from school. She said it's chilly but not cold and she has plenty of room for visitors! Florence anyone?

oh... on new years Deb, Lisa and I got together (did I post this already?) before the family party. was so much fun. expect,Lisa's house was so peaceful and mine was alike a 3 ring circus.

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