Thursday, January 24, 2008

If being cute was a crime

I believe you'd find this face on the most wanted list.

I always said that I could handle the boys growing out of babyhood without lamenting too much on what has past. I handled starting kindergarten, the end of toddler years and bedtime rituals without any problem. As I bravely moved forward I knew that there would be one thing that I would not handle so well. When my baby loses his front teeth.

Now we are here. The time I have been dreading. I am truly very, very, sad. I just hope that it takes months for his new teeth to grow in.

Thank goodness for Ethan, Sammy and Z.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Emitalia is back. She says that she will not be able to post a lot (school and not having Internet at the apt). Doesn't' it look lovely?

Friday, January 04, 2008

thought you may find this interesting.
The boys did their own shopping this year. We took the Little's out but Max and Aidan went by themselves. They had so much fun and it was really fun opening what they picked out.

Aidan as a Christmas light

here it is. The Wii (the clouds should have parted and ray of sun shown down upon you as you read that. You may have also heard the singing of angels but that depends on how good YOU are). If you cannot tell. They are playing baseball. Aidan is at bat and G is the pitcher. Since this photo we have had to rearrange the living room. Those tall bookcases are now far from any wii playing.

not sure why I added this photo's. I guess I thought they looked so handsome. Actually, I do not think that I have ever seen a better photo of them.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Christmas Eve

David and Fabiane were visiting from Arizona. They were stuck in Portland an extra day due to a storm and spent the day making us this very cool garland.

Papa loved his gift. I was still add the fringe as he walked in. Sometimes I think I am crazy... I know one stitch and decide to knit a blanket.

Karin and Michael were both very sleepy. or we were really boring.

Henry sure is glad Michael is back... this is all he wants someone to hug

Aidan looking a bit cartoonish

this morning I was alone in the house for the first time in weeks. An odd but nice feeling. we had a really nice vacation. I know that my being so lenient with the wii playing helped. a lot!

project runway was pretty great last night. Loved hearing Spartacus aka Kevin say he wanted to knock Christian out (of the show.. those were not his exact words). that boy annoys me to no end. someone gave him an extra dose of self confidence and not enough empathy. I loved what Rami did and was pleasantly surprised with Chris's dress.

Got an e-mail from Emmy! She starts classes on Monday. Her apt sounds great, over looks a courtyard and is 10 min away from school. She said it's chilly but not cold and she has plenty of room for visitors! Florence anyone?

oh... on new years Deb, Lisa and I got together (did I post this already?) before the family party. was so much fun. expect,Lisa's house was so peaceful and mine was alike a 3 ring circus.