Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I have no Halloween photos to share. Sorry. Max went out with his friends as power rangers. Very silly looking but they had a great time. Aidan was a mummy, Aaron a phantom footballer and G a vampire. We did not put the usual large amount of time into the costumes this year (due to not having a large amount of time free) but they looked great and had one of the best Halloweens ever.

Chris took the boys out with neighbor Steve & sons in our neighborhood. Not sure why we ever went anywhere else. It definitely re-enforced our love for Portland.


Liz Woodbury said...

did they go to the parade? we went to the west end for the first time ever, and it was FUN!

Michael said...

i am not sure if they did.

I think i remember going to the west end w/ you one year. no?