Monday, November 27, 2006

aka "The Canopener"

Now I dont want to impy that my boy is strange but... some recent behavior from Gabriel does have us thinking about putting a certain kind of specialist on speed dial. Just yesterday, in the car, out of the blue he asks "what if I were born a can opener?". hmmm.... I dont' know G...what if?

Here he is wearing 33 pairs of underwear. of course once he started the boys had to jump in to help. Christmas card?

Saturday, November 25, 2006


I am in love with Zachary!!

sort of sad that with 21 people in my house 95% of the photos I took were of him.

sorry everyone else. I do love you and find you very cute.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Thought I show you what what actually on the plates in those days. This was put together by a historically anal crewso it's as accurate as one can get.

btw...Lisa's movie was the highest viewed show on THC this year!!!

getting ready for the masses. Wish my Dad was coming. the boys just cleaned up the yard and are now playing a video game (as much as I find them annoying I am grateful for their hypnotic appeal).

Had their conferences on Monday. very very positive. such good little boys :)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

tonight 8pm

As if you dont' already know... Gabriel is wearing a blue jacket and can be seen mostly in the 2nd and 3rd hour. (a lot at hte end). about 9 times.

check out the message board at the history channel. some guy has accused the history channel of promoting an unchristian film.

while it may seem I have done nothing these past few weeks (days? they are all running together) but obsess about this movie. not true. we have been very busy bowes. working way too many hours, b'ball games, getting ready for Thanksgiving ( i made curtains for the dining room), the photo auction, Jesse's shoot and just life have kept mme/us away from the computer.
I think the boys are tired of running. i know I am .

Friday, November 17, 2006


I was going to post some more reviews. frankly, there are just too many.

The NYT did not use one of my photo's. A big ad for Comic Relieg used up much of the page so they couldnt' fit it in (damn do-gooder comics). it's okay though... I am getting lot's of exposure and The Bosotn Globe, LA Times and Washington Post should have some. Guess they are going to use one of my images on the cover of the WA Post's tv guide. If anyone can get a copy of one of the papers can you send it to me. Can't find them round here. oh... taht stand in Harvard Square. Forget the name. been in Maine too long.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

zoe > the smiths

I love the Smiths and usually avoid covers of their songs. Until now. I think I may like Zoƫ's version as much as the original.


Saturday, November 11, 2006

in case you didnt' see karin's comment on the election. go here.

thought it was a great comment.

Some early reviews

they spelled Lisa's name wrong. least I got credit for my photos

who the hell is Electic artists?!

start looking in the paper and around the city for ads. I know that there will be a 4 page spread in the boston globe on the 19th. I bet they will use the photoshoped ship/eyes images for a lot of larger promo's. When you see something will you grab it for me?

Friday, November 10, 2006

I saw Jack White on Congress Street yesterday. He new band was opening for Bob Dylan. I usually dont' recognize people, someone has to tell me afterwards.

Happy Birthday to me & Chris

woo hoo!!!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

life is good

I am still reeling from election. I think what has struck me most is that the process works. what very doubtful of that. Also, I am relieved that our fellow citizens are not as blind as it seemed.

it is gorgeous out today. feels like spring.

if you are in portland, check this out. it is amazing. I need to go back.. i couldnt' make it all the way through the show... too emotional. Not sure if I should take the boys. some of the crimes these people were accused of are pretty horrible.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Hey Jill

coudln't find an update photo of all the boys together. Here is Max, Aidan and G. Aaron is below.

pretty cool


yesterday Aidan and G had their final games. Chris took Aidan to his and Aaron and I went with G. Aidan had a great time then hung out with his friend Justin afterwards. Aaron and I played in the team vs. parents (ari played with the team) game. The kids fairly beat us 6-2. Ari and G both played very well. I didnt'. for the first half of the game my game was embarrassing! I can blame much of it on my sore back but this is really no excuse. I did redeem myself and score one of our 2 goals. Today... I am so sore.

Looks like Thanksgiving is going to be HUGE this year. 21 people. should be crazy but fun.

Friday, November 03, 2006

The Birthday Boy

In one hand he has the tin foil scorpion. He is amazed by it. In the other, his Nintnedo DS. He is a very happy boy.

The face of God

The day after Halloween Aaron and G brought me into their room to show me this creation. Aaron said it was The Face of God.

Happy Birthday Aaron

Aaron is 9. This is just wrong.

This is the real Aaron. He is 6 years old. so cute that it is impossible to be near him and not kiss and hug him. he needs to be near his mom and dad at all times. racooni is his best friend.
if you took your favorite teddy bear and wished him into a real boy, you would end up with Aaron.

most of this is still true. he is now able to go without us for a while (not too long) and not sure if Racooni is still his best friend.


He had a great b'day morning.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I have no Halloween photos to share. Sorry. Max went out with his friends as power rangers. Very silly looking but they had a great time. Aidan was a mummy, Aaron a phantom footballer and G a vampire. We did not put the usual large amount of time into the costumes this year (due to not having a large amount of time free) but they looked great and had one of the best Halloweens ever.

Chris took the boys out with neighbor Steve & sons in our neighborhood. Not sure why we ever went anywhere else. It definitely re-enforced our love for Portland.