Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I am reading a galley of "The Lady in the Palazzo" by Marlena De Blasi. She is an American woman who is making here home in Italy. I am finding this book both inspirational and troubling. Questioning both my nomadic desires and comfort of my western ways. I picked up this book because the back page stated, "... will appeal to anyone who delights in travel and shares the fantasy of beginning a new life in a very different place".

In truth I really do not think I could live so close to the earth as the author has. Though the statement, "The less there is, the more important it all becomes" echo's in my head. She also put my nomadic desires eloquently, "I'd thought, you see, that one of the best things about going to live in another country would be the chance to be ten years old again. Or for the first time. Everything fresh, untested. Learn to see how the new people sip their tea, break their bread, treat each other. Not just passage through, not a wander among the natives but settling up with them. that to be at home with the world was the to grow rich. The way I wanted to be rich".

the funny thing is that what I find troubling is the amount of meat they eat. I completely understand why but realize that I could never do so.

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