Had to take a "head shot" of Aaron. He was exhausted after a long day @ the beach and a ball game.
A good friend of ours called to say that they were looking for a boy to play Max in a movie being made based on "Where the wild Things Are". She thought of Aaron. At first he was not interested but then decided that he wanted to try it out. It so happened that auditions were the same day we would be in Boston. This is why Aaron and I found ourselves sitting with a group of child actors and their incredibly annoying parents. Aaron had a great time. Really enjoyed himself. So all in all it was a good experience.
I found it interested that while he and I played the shape game there were some very odd things happening around us. One father brought his head shot and was harrassing his son about getting into character. Mothers were listening at the doors. Kids were stressed out and one boy was having a full on conversation with an imaginary person... poor kid ended up have a fight with his I.F. The two parents next to me were talking about how their sons were on play dough boxes. They kept on using the term "us" rather than he. Not that I have never done that... we do a lot together and out lives are very intertwined but this was something much deeper.
this experience really made me realize how wonderful my boys really are.
oh... headshots. The parents were also talking about these. I saw some and they were HORRIBLE. tacky "kid" poses and much too contrasty. damn....
We then went to a great party for Harvards masters students. Was a blast...I think the boys enjoyed the music (a live big band) much more than they though they would!