Sunday, November 25, 2007

If you have some cash in your pocket

and would like to add some art into your life. A few opportunities are on the horizon.

On 12/8 is the annual Photo a Go-Go . Why did I submit this image from 1998 you ask? Because it was already framed and I since I missed the official deadline I didn't have time to prepare anything else. This image is also up at S. Maasch but it sold (which is good...I'm not complaining) so now I have none. sort of odd.

Then on 12/9 is the party at Fuller Craft Museum . The exhibit runs from now until March so if you miss it...don't worry... there is plenty of time.


emanuela de musis said...

yippee on the sale!!!!!!

Michael said...

i am very curious who bought it.

odd feeling. must be really strange wiht a painting.